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I was born in June 16th 1997 in Piedimonte Matese, a small town in the province of Caserta. Always close to the world of art in all its expressions, I approached the world of dance from an early age and I cultivated this passion for many years, earning a certificate in the discipline of classical and contemporary dance. I attended the art school of S. Leucio fashion design. Fascinated by the world of fashion design, I wanted to continue my study path by moving to Milan and attending IED, the European Institute of Design.

Ops! Mi è caduta la crostatina al limone


The research starts from an experience that has little lasted at the same time whatching what happens in a gourmet kitchen restaurant molecular, where I was charmed by a perfection, to elegance ant to the method but same time at a distortion to a non conventional assembly which has always had return order.

My search is concentred on a event that happened in the Osteria Francescana of Maimmo Bottura during service was starting from pastry counter two identical cakes when one of the two hands of slip and slide by the bench pastry, flat anche the cake rolled up forming a golden mosaic who one has touched, so where on the instant the sweer was out of its nature. Therefore, every time they break it to remember that ritual that breaking is the beginning and not the end.
In this thesis I have tried to emerge as the molecular and destructured kitchen applies to this method.

Do this from a simple basket pattern, by breaking it and return it with random gestures that you wanted to recreate something again that you remember the form and the initial base asymmetry and reconst alternating the thickness of fabrics.