"Becoming Marni" in Venice • Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana

"Becoming Marni" in Venice

"Becoming Marni" in Venice

Becoming Marni, at the Abbazia di San Gregorio in Venice till 22 November, is the final act of Marni Prisma, a series of events celebrating the first 20 years of Marni.

Curated by Stefano Rabolli Pansera and with supervision from Carolina Castiglioni, the installation features a hundred wooden sculptures by the self-taught Brazilian artist Véio that create an ideal landscape of organic forms in the cloister. The sculptures are arranged along a tactile path the colour of the waters of Venice traced on the irregular and translucent flooring to create continuity between the outside and inside. In a hut in the middle of the cloister other works are being produced.

Becoming Marni is the fruit of dialogue between distant opposites, different people and places sharing the same aesthetic. Marni and Véio explore the power of transformation and seek the assertive presence of pure form. Which is why it’s part of the mapping of Tutti i futuri del mondo (All the futures in the world), the theme of the 56th Biennale di Venezia.